Programs for Teens and Young Parents
Pregnancy Education and Support
This prenatal class will provide valuable information about:
- Nutrition and Exercise
- Decision Making Skills
- Building Self-Esteem
- Adoption Information
- Educational Planning
- Lamaze Breathing and Relaxation Techniques
- Parenting Skills
- Tour of Obstetrics Wing
- Newborn Care
Young women are invited to attend and bring with them family supporters to learn more about labor, delivery and parenting a newborn. Weekly group discussions in a casual environment with friendly knowledgeable Instructors ensure meaningful classes for all participants.
Parenting Education and Support
This parenting class will provide valuable information about:
- The challenge of parenting
- Child care
- Nutrition and Medical Care
- Play and Discipline
- Community Resources—where do I go for help?
- Goal setting
- School, Job or Both?
- Decision making skills
- How do I cope?
- Communication and relationships
- Finance and legal concerns
Young moms, their babies, dads, and family supporters are invited to attend these casual weekly classes led by friendly knowledgeable Instructors.

Growing Up Together is funded by state and local grants; the Capital Area United Way, fees for services, donations and fundraising events.